Writer. Teacher. Counselor. Coach. Student of Life.

Cary’s first novel, But Only Say The Word, has received positive pre-publication feedback and he is currently seeking a literary agent, with an aim for publication by Winter 2025.

Currently he is working on his second novel, A Royal Sendoff, with plans to complete a first draft later this year.


An educator for over thirty-five years by day and a writer of fiction and non-fiction by night, R. Cary Einhaus has had a life-long love affair with language: as a precocious reader since childhood; as a counselor coaching high school seniors as they polish college essays; as an English teacher helping students refine their critical reading and narrative skills; and as an author of numerous personal essays and his first novel, But Only Say The Word.

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“Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen at its height.”

E.M.Forster, Howards End

Lifelong Educator

Committed to connecting with students’ minds and hearts to support their intellectual, emotional, and personal growth, with the aim to inspire them to become lifelong learners and committed activist-citizens of the world.

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After the battle ends, you walk away with unseen wounds to fight a war within yourself that never goes away.

When you leave parts of yourself behind in life, how can

you ever be whole?

But Only Say The Word

Inspired by a story told in two of the four Gospels and the experience of U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan, But Only Say The Word is a sweeping literary/upscale novel that addresses toxic masculinity, emotional trauma, and spiritual healing, both in our #MeToo present and two millennia ago.

“The first few pages reminded me of Cormac McCarthy’s poetic realism, with rhythms that still resonate … the highest form of praise”


Other Thoughts & Ideas


Inspiration for But Only Say The Word

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The Courage to Teach

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Irony/Sarcasm & Cancel Culture

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Prayer (and Love) Don’t Discriminate

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Learn more about Cary and his writing